Welcome to UrbanaFare!

This blog is dedicated to exploring food and other edibles (plus liquids) found in, around, and outside of, Champaign-Urbana.  Those who know me know that I am very picky when it comes to food, especially dining out.  With the economy in a tailspin, it’s hard to eat out as often as we would like, let alone get good food.  In Champaign-Urbana alone, three restaurants have closed their doors within the past several months.  I don’t like to write reviews that are all sweetness and light.  I like to get into my food (although not literally) and see if what I eat is worth the money I’m paying with.  If something sucks, I’ll let you know, and why.

We won’t be exploring just food, but also product discoveries, some book reviews, and maybe, just maybe, some cooking show reviews.  There might be some hard hitting articles from time to time that I invite readers to respond to, especially if you’re not from around here and would like to input what’s going on in the food scene where you live.

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